As your childs' first teacher, you play a big part in teaching your son or daughter to stay drug free!




We invite you to support the work we are doing in the community to help kids get all they can out of their growing years.


Drugnet Enterprises

​​A father and successful businessman, Richard A. Van Dyke established Drugnet Enterprises in 1989 to address the need to educate children of all ages on the dangers of drugs. 

Witnessing first-hand the impact of drug abuse at the local level, Richard became increasingly troubled by a disturbing trend – drug dealers were all too often becoming role models for young children and were being elevated to the status of “local hero.” 

His concern for today’s youth has propelled him to develop new techniques and products to address this issue in unique and innovative ways that educate and entertain our youngest.  

For more than 25 years, Richard has purposefully engaged in efforts to improve the health and well-being of young people throughout the state of Maryland.  His work aimed at curbing poor outcomes among at-risk youth were formally recognized by the Secretary of Higher Education for The Maryland Higher Education Commission.

Click here to read the letter.

Our mission is to promote awareness of the dangers of drugs and other harmful substances to children at an early age. Drugnet Enterprises seeks to give parents, teachers, and other advocates the necessary tools to help keep children safe from substance abuse. The products developed by Drugnet Enterprises employ and “edutainment” approach and include the Drug-Free Sing-A-Long CD, storybook, and activity book featuring the newest member of Drugnet Enterprises, Drug-Free Charlie.

Although the prevention of drug use is the primary focus of Drugnet Enterprises, we endeavor to promote a holistic approach that embraces healthy habits, such as regular exercise, good nutrition, and proper hygiene that lead to overall well-being of young people and position them to thrive.